Soft Tissue Sarcoma
40 year old male with soft tissue sarcoma
Step 6: Final Outcome
This patient was referred appropriately to a multidisciplinary centre. An image guided core-needle biopsy confirmed a high grade soft tissue sarcoma, likely a Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour arising from the sciatic nerve. He was discussed at a multidisciplinary conference.
He received pre-operative radiation therapy, a total of 5000 cGy in 25 fractions which he tolerated well. He then underwent surgical resection, including his sciatic nerve. Post-operatively he did well with a rehabilitation program and ambulates well. He wears a foot drop splint to control his ankle. He has adjusted his daily life to accommodate his limb.
He is now 4 years following his cancer treatment, and has returned to work and family life. He continues to be followed for any recurrence of his tumour.
Pre-operative photo of the mass in the posterior thigh.
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